Folder 2c - Teacher Supports - Information on Academic Writing
Elementary Sentence Frames - Authors’ Purpose
This file contains an anchor chart explaining what authors do to inform, explain, persuade, and entertain. The file also includes sentence frames for students to use in response to a question about author’s purpose.
Elementary Sentence Frames – Cause and Effect
This file contains an anchor chart explaining cause and effect. The file also includes sentence frames for students to use in a cause and effect response.
Elementary Sentence Frames – Classify
This file contains an anchor chart explaining classifying and categorizing information as you read. The file also includes sentence frames assist students in classifying information.
Elementary Sentence Frames – Drawing Conclusions
This file contains an anchor chart explaining how to draw conclusions. The file also includes sentence frames for students to use when drawing a conclusion from text.
Elementary Sentence Frames – Fact and Opinion
This file contains an anchor chart defining fact and opinions. The file also includes sentence frames for students to use when identifying facts and opinions in text.
Elementary Sentence Frames – Inferences
This file contains an anchor chart explaining how to make an inference when reading. The file also includes sentence frames for students to use to state and substantiate an inference made while reading.
Glossary of Writing Terms
This glossary of writing terms provides teachers with definitions of writing content common terms.
Sentence Patterns and Word Choice Revisions
This document provides students with guidance and examples for revising by analyzing sentence patterns and word choice. Please see corresponding student worksheet.
Sentence Patterns and Word Choice Revisions
This document provides students with guidance and examples for revising by analyzing sentence patterns and word choice. Please see corresponding student worksheet.
Sentence Patterns and Word Choice Revisions Worksheet
This sheet can be used by students in the revision stage of writing to analyze sentence patterns and word choice. Please see corresponding guidance and examples handout.
Sentence Patterns and Word Choice Revisions Worksheet
This sheet can be used by students in the revision stage of writing to analyze sentence patterns and word choice. Please see corresponding guidance and examples handout.
Text Structure Guide
This guide provides a description, common cue words and sample graphic organizers for the text structures of description, sequence, comparison, cause and effect, and problem and solution.
Text Structures
This document provides a clear definition of each text structure.
Types of Writing in the Common Core
This document defines each of the three modes of academic writing (argumentation, informational/explanatory and narrative) and provides common characteristics of each.
Writing Next, Carnegie Corporation
This 2007 Carnegie Corporation report discusses effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools. Based upon research, the report identifies 11 effective elements of writing instruction in grades 4 to 12.
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Writing Products
This document gives a thorough listing of writing products and corresponding definitions.
Writing Products as Cues to Determine Types of Writing and Text Structures
This document provides writers with cues to assist in determining the most appropriate type of writing and text structure for the intended audience and purpose.
Writing Products Traits Chart
This chart delineates each type of writing product’s traits (audience, purpose, language, references, and type & structure).
Writing to Read, Carnegie Corporation
This 2010 report from the Carnegie Corporation discusses evidence for how writing can improve reading. The report discusses current research and makes recommendations for using writing to enhance students’ reading.
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Writing Types, Text Structures and Writing Product Chart
This chart provides guidance about effective text structures by content area and student products. Using this chart will assist in providing a variety of template tasks and student products.